KONICA MINOLTA Konica Minolta, Inc. 2nd Quarter/March 2016 Consolidated Financial Results  

Businesses other than Business Technologies Business

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This slide shows points to note for the second half about businesses other than the Business Technologies Business.
In the Healthcare Business, the ultrasound business in Japan has come to be recognized in the orthopedic field. In other countries, last month we acquired Viztek LLC in the United States. Selective strengthening in the United States - the world's largest market - will focus on primary care. The strategy is to heighten added value there and aim to become the "genre-top" player. Viztek is a provider of products and IT solutions related to healthcare and has established a strong presence in hospitals and clinics throughout the United States, including among orthopedic surgeons and primary care physicians. It is a company that has software development and solutions capabilities, by which it proposes workflows, and improves them, in a framework of vendor-neutral software. By implementing this winning pattern of business from the United States in Japan and the rest of Asia, Konica Minolta will proceed to strengthen the Healthcare Business according to the strategy of the Medium Term Business Plan.
In the field of measuring instruments, the approach taken previously was to sell products unit by unit. The business has been shifting from that pattern to proposing solutions that use sensing technology to GMA in display, automobile, IT and other such fields. In addition to IS GmbH acquired in Germany, we also acquired Radiant in the United States during the first half of this year. This means a breakthrough toward full-scale participation in visual surface inspection solutions for manufacturing. In addition to establishing a leading position in light source color measurement, Konica Minolta will strengthen the manufacturing inspection solution business in the second half and make this into a key business from fiscal year 2016.
In the performance materials field, full mass production of new VA-TAC films will begin in the second half. Steps have been taken so that expansion can continue even under severe market conditions. Expansion into the field is being accelerated with optical ultra-thin film, QWP film, and other such new product groups with added value, to enable them to tie into fiscal year 2016. We are confident that we will be able to carry on in the performance materials field even from the second half and on.