KONICA MINOLTA Medium Term Business Plan "SHINKA 2019"  

Providing value through edge IoT strategy

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The value provided by these activities is presented here. We look at customer companies by industry and sector, but the important inputs are structured data and unstructured data such as email, people movement and video. The value thus provided is shown on the right. This unprecedented visualization of workflows in supply chains and broad value chains results in a variety of proposals to improve productivity, as well as discontinuous improvements in productivity derived from major reductions in management man-hours, and this will soon begin contributing to customer corporation profits. However, in reality, the transformation that our customer companies expect of us is in areas where they want to concentrate on work that increases added value, or where they want employees to express their creativity more in order to contribute to both the top line and to profits, so we are working to offer related added-value involving simulation, optimization, decision support and collaboration support.