Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd. Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd. Financial Results - For the FYE March 2016 -  

FYE March 2017 will Focus on Gaining Secure Foothold for Continued Growth

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 Continue selection and concentration with focus on core products to build income
  Major factors for decline in income
   -Increase in retirement benefits due to negative interest rates, -1.5 billion yen
   -Decline in marginal profit due to reduction of existing products, -1.9 billion yen
   -Costs expected to rise for raw materials such as cocoa beans and nuts, -2.1 billion yen
  With concerns of personal consumption downturn from March 2016, will not expect a favorable economic environment like the previous fiscal year.

 Secure operating income 10 billion yen, comparable with the previous year
  Major factors for decline in income
   -NHI drug price revisions
   -Increased expenses for promotional activities for launching products
  Offset above factors by
   Cost reductions
   increase volume of mainstay and new products